HELLO JELLIES :DD (GASP! today is the anniversary of sept11!)
tday was there from 3.15 - 5.30pm!
finally taught An after soo long, haha! he's turned alot faster! we managed to finish 6 pages in 10 minutes! :DD
after he was done, i taught JL.. she.. still prefers to get answers -.-
her maths has improved, but it may be due to the questions being simple subtraction and addition (they're working with Time now, though).
i sucked at Time back in primary school and i remember colouring and destroying the clock in the living room out of vengence keke :DD
then i taught Lus! he hasnt changed much, but towards the end he was super sianned and telling me how he hated maths and everything to do with it, including me, and refusing to do questions at the end. then i got fed up with his attitude and told him to get his attitude right, or i'm leaving him to do it. then his attitude improved..
i pinned a mini Guides trefoil on my pencil case, and a p4 girl at the centre saw it.. she pointed at it and asked where i got it.. i was wondering why she would be interested in my trefoil.. then she told me she was a Brownie! hahas! :DDD
had a lot of kids and teachers asking me where you all were today!
Jo: where's 长颈鹿?(aka tuyanXD)me: she isnt here..Jo: why? her best friend leh?me: huh? who?Jo: the scientist!me: sarah?Jo: dunno.me: they're both still at school, having lessonsJo: HOR! YOU SKIP SCHOOL RIGHT!me: haha, no. they take alot of subjects, so they stay in sch longer(:Ro: farah leh? how come farah never come with you?me: oh, she couldnt come.. plus exams are coming! do you miss her?Ro: ME? no lah! ah okay, about 1%An: HAHA LIKE REAL! YOU WANT HER(farah) HERE RIGHT!Ro: *pouts and walks away*Sel: fenghan?(i think she said that, i wasnt too sure, her voice was so soft, but i'm sure it's you :D) how come that jiejie never come? where is she? is she ever coming back?me: oh, it's exams now, thats why we arent comingSel: oh. okay. will she be coming?me: nope, not todaySel: oh.. why?me: *faints*Jes: where's that jiejie?me: oh, you mean jean?Jes: not sure. that one lorme: she's not hereJes: oh. why ah?me: *omgggggg* *repeats reason i told Sel*auntie cat asked where we were.. i said you all were still in school..
AuntC: so, in other words, they never come lah.
me: ahh.. yeah..
AuntC: will you all still come?
me: we're not here now because of the exams.. probably till after the exams, which ends in oct.
AuntC: huh. Oct ah. but by the time you all come back they've all finished their exams already what. no purpose already.
me: *stunned*
me: ah, last year i came to help out with the trips out, and revised with them their work using the centre's assessment books.
AuntC: oh. ok.
i got the feeling AuntC was disappointed that we weren't teaching them, cause of the exams.. i was kinda incredulous.. is she asking us to spend less time on our academics to help them, right at the critical moments before the exam? and also, i think she thought we weren't committed, that we were there purely just for the hours and for the SL, and that once the SL ended,we all 拍拍屁股就走, cause we've already 'used' them.
Auntie Yewhwa asks if we would like to organise some stuff for them during the hols!it could be daycamp!! (doesnt have to be academic AT ALL!:DD)i was thinking of us organising one, and it could be named JELLYCAMP! all prizes will be jellies :DDor a 2hr, 3hr course! (on arts and crafts, etc. was thinking of using white glue and felt and making christmas stockings! then on the last day can give them candy to put into the christmas stocking! when i was younger i clipped to my bed the longest sock i could find in hopes of getting more candy from "santaclaus".. i used my dad's super long black sock. my sis was smarter. she used my mum's stockings. haha)or, another outing! :DDshe suggested SPCA, etcetc!i really really really think we should organise one! please? =3Labels: 9.11.08, beryl
Jelly! wobbled @ Thursday, September 11, 2008