23 April ReFlectioNs
Guess everybody's been rather busy lately, with exams(!), exams(!!), exams(!!!), and more exams (!!!!) coming up. Of course, this also applies to my little cute tutee, or 'sotong ball' as Jean calls him. ;D However, apparently, my chubby Ron doesnt feel the stress as much as i do cos' when i asked him when his tests start, he simply said “不知道”. Oh wells ...
(by the way im posting this on my birthday cos i thought of my darling family, as well as tuyan of course, on my 16 birthday!!!
the 23/4 visit would be the last one before exams start since we'll be taking a break to mug for the mid-years
Ok, coming back to the topic, the visit was quite a
BIG improvement for me -- in social aspects i mean
I let Ron check answers with my calculator, which definitely got him interested, just like the previous times. Needless to say, i made him do the sums 'manually' before letting him check his answers. I made sure his answers were correct too.
I think Andreas saw Ron with the calculator and wanted to do the same too -- which was the reason he cried :[**guilty**Nevertheless, despite 2 weeks, Ron's improvement in solving division questions were not 'GREAT' though there were much improvements
at least he is comfident enough now to be able to do the sums by himself, according to the steps -- not considering careless mistakes and some confusion especially when dealing with answers that has a 0 (zero) in the middle
So, i gladly went through and revised the methods/steps with him
i must say Ron's really good with understanding texts and multiplication tables :D
sadly, we only managed to complete about 3 pages of his assessment cos' we spent some time 'building up our relationship' (dun 想歪 pls)
And i learnt more about him xD -- that he's actually a very nice person (not that i think he was very bad earlier =x)
ONERon was collecting eraser dusts so i did the same, thinking that i would show him something with it later
So ... ron was collecting his and im collecting mine -- while we were both trying to solve the problems in Ron's assessment book
then Ron saw mine were less than his, so he gave some of his eraser dusts to me! (how generous! given that i was trying to steal his all the times earlier :x)
so in the end, i made a 'blu-tack-eraser-thing' using a ruler to roll al the dusts together and gave it to dear Ron -- and im glad he liked it ;)
TWOAndreas was crying, so Ron excused himself to take tissue paper for him! (how caring!)
THREEit was time for Ron to go home, and he actually waved goodbye to me from the window! (first time!!!)
... so that was one very happy day for me :D
Wishing everyone all the best for the mid-years!
Labels: 4.23.08, farah
Jelly! wobbled @ Saturday, April 26, 2008