Tuyan: [[Snowman Tidbits]]
Okay, so today we(Me, shihui, beryl) went to conduct our 2nd day of the craft camp... and we did the
Alright, so this was supposed to be the shittest idea but the kids turned out to love it.
And something vry funny happened which i thoguht to share with you guys. (Actually beryl's suggestion)
Ok, prenote: The snowman is made by cutting out a rectangle(roll into a tube) and a square(base of snowman), then sticking cotton wool on the tube to make it look fluffy and fat. Pictures of sample snowmen will be posted soon, but for now, just try to imagine it.
Ok, in my little group, there's this little boy who seriously sucked at craft. Lets call him
Boy. (I know its not creative.)
Ok, here goes:
Me: Measure a rectangle which is 16.5 by 9cm on the piece of paper and draw it out.*Proceed to show and help some of them*
One kid: Why?
Me: Later need to cut out one.
Boy: *Anyhow draw a lopsided square and rectangle without measuring, but using his ruler. But it somehow isn't straught anyway*
Me: Hey, you must measure properly and draw, or else later not nice.
Boy: Nevermind.
Me: Need my help? I help you draw?
Boy: Don't need. I can do myself.
*Later he proceeds to cut out two pieces of wierd shaped papers which does not have straight edges.*
Boy: Ok, do liao. Then how?
Me: Erm... *eyes his papers*, just fold it over, like this, and tape. *Shows everyone how to do it*
Boy: *Anyhow fold it over and tape do that it doesn't even look like a roll, and can't falls over when u put it on the table*
*At this point of time i went away to take smth, glue, i think*
*When i came back, my square was gone*
Me: Aye, where's my square?
Boy: *Holds a perfectly shaped square that looks suspiciously like mine*
One kid: He took it.*points*
Boy: Never. This one is mine.
Me: Huh? Then mine leh?
Boy: *points to one half-crumpled, oddly shaped, misshapen piece of paper* There. Yours.
*I cut another square*
[After a while]
Boy: *Crumples his tube* Jiejie, i got no roll.
Me: Huh???? *Looks hard at the crumpled tube* Isn't that yours? Why you crumple?
Boy: No. That one not mine.
Boy: *points to my tube* Give me.
Me: Why??????
Boy: That one is mine.
Me: ???????????????????????
Me: Never mind, i get you a new one. *Gets him cardboard tube that is perfectly round and un-crumple-able*
*We then proceeded to stick on the cotton wool on the rolls*
** Somehow the boy's snowman's fluff looked sparse, tangled and matted with white glue**
[After everyone's nearly finished(including me)]
Boy: *tore off all the cotton from his snowman tube (I simply can't call it a snowman the way it looked)
Me: *Shocked* Why you tear everything off???
Boy: My snowman don't have snow. Hah hah hah hah hah....
Me:But..... but......
~End of session~
Boy: Jiejie. Give me that one can? *Points to the snowman i made*
Me: Nope. you have your own one.
Boy: But I want.Me: Too bad, its mine. I want it too.*starting to b a little pissed off liao*
Boy: Give me lar, I return you tomorrow.
me: *Stares at him disbelivingly* Erm... dont want.
Boy: I WANT!!!!! *tries to snatch**I held it high above my head, (thank god i'm tall) and he couldn't reach it*
Boy: I want I want!!!! *Whines... accidentally tears a Pri1 Christmas tree in his attempt to get it.*
In the end when we left, i went out first to hide, then he reached for shihui's pastic bag when he saw shihui's snowman hat poking out and con't whining:
"I want I want...."(To which shihui obviously said no.
Actually she said: "This is the materials bag, you can't have it." Hahaha...)
Okay, so thats the whole story.
Woah what a long post.
How'd you'all think? Funny? Irritating? I think its a bit of both...
Jelly! wobbled @ Thursday, November 27, 2008
now it's time..
for the
DAY CAMP PLANNING!! :DDyou all free this
sunday? or next
monday! (deepavali!)hehheh! excited! XDDD
Jelly! wobbled @ Thursday, October 23, 2008
HELLO JELLIES :DD (GASP! today is the anniversary of sept11!)
tday was there from 3.15 - 5.30pm!
finally taught An after soo long, haha! he's turned alot faster! we managed to finish 6 pages in 10 minutes! :DD
after he was done, i taught JL.. she.. still prefers to get answers -.-
her maths has improved, but it may be due to the questions being simple subtraction and addition (they're working with Time now, though).
i sucked at Time back in primary school and i remember colouring and destroying the clock in the living room out of vengence keke :DD
then i taught Lus! he hasnt changed much, but towards the end he was super sianned and telling me how he hated maths and everything to do with it, including me, and refusing to do questions at the end. then i got fed up with his attitude and told him to get his attitude right, or i'm leaving him to do it. then his attitude improved..
i pinned a mini Guides trefoil on my pencil case, and a p4 girl at the centre saw it.. she pointed at it and asked where i got it.. i was wondering why she would be interested in my trefoil.. then she told me she was a Brownie! hahas! :DDD
had a lot of kids and teachers asking me where you all were today!
Jo: where's 长颈鹿?(aka tuyanXD)me: she isnt here..Jo: why? her best friend leh?me: huh? who?Jo: the scientist!me: sarah?Jo: dunno.me: they're both still at school, having lessonsJo: HOR! YOU SKIP SCHOOL RIGHT!me: haha, no. they take alot of subjects, so they stay in sch longer(:Ro: farah leh? how come farah never come with you?me: oh, she couldnt come.. plus exams are coming! do you miss her?Ro: ME? no lah! ah okay, about 1%An: HAHA LIKE REAL! YOU WANT HER(farah) HERE RIGHT!Ro: *pouts and walks away*Sel: fenghan?(i think she said that, i wasnt too sure, her voice was so soft, but i'm sure it's you :D) how come that jiejie never come? where is she? is she ever coming back?me: oh, it's exams now, thats why we arent comingSel: oh. okay. will she be coming?me: nope, not todaySel: oh.. why?me: *faints*Jes: where's that jiejie?me: oh, you mean jean?Jes: not sure. that one lorme: she's not hereJes: oh. why ah?me: *omgggggg* *repeats reason i told Sel*auntie cat asked where we were.. i said you all were still in school..
AuntC: so, in other words, they never come lah.
me: ahh.. yeah..
AuntC: will you all still come?
me: we're not here now because of the exams.. probably till after the exams, which ends in oct.
AuntC: huh. Oct ah. but by the time you all come back they've all finished their exams already what. no purpose already.
me: *stunned*
me: ah, last year i came to help out with the trips out, and revised with them their work using the centre's assessment books.
AuntC: oh. ok.
i got the feeling AuntC was disappointed that we weren't teaching them, cause of the exams.. i was kinda incredulous.. is she asking us to spend less time on our academics to help them, right at the critical moments before the exam? and also, i think she thought we weren't committed, that we were there purely just for the hours and for the SL, and that once the SL ended,we all 拍拍屁股就走, cause we've already 'used' them.
Auntie Yewhwa asks if we would like to organise some stuff for them during the hols!it could be daycamp!! (doesnt have to be academic AT ALL!:DD)i was thinking of us organising one, and it could be named JELLYCAMP! all prizes will be jellies :DDor a 2hr, 3hr course! (on arts and crafts, etc. was thinking of using white glue and felt and making christmas stockings! then on the last day can give them candy to put into the christmas stocking! when i was younger i clipped to my bed the longest sock i could find in hopes of getting more candy from "santaclaus".. i used my dad's super long black sock. my sis was smarter. she used my mum's stockings. haha)or, another outing! :DDshe suggested SPCA, etcetc!i really really really think we should organise one! please? =3Labels: 9.11.08, beryl
Jelly! wobbled @ Thursday, September 11, 2008
30th July reflection
Well on the 30th July, I checked through J Maths work. I also had to go through some corrections with her. She was quite careless in terms of addition and subtraction. Her maths seemed to improve a lot.
She practically knew how to do almost all the the problem sums except for one which I think is quite difficult for her level. Upon completing her homework, the teacher in charge asked me to go through with her the muliplication table.
I tested her from 2 times table until 12 times table. I also set some questions on the spot and asked her to answer verbally. I feel that she is quite good at her multiplication and let her off to play her own games.
I went to tutor M , who needed help with fractions. I checked through his work before allowing him to submit it to his teacher. After which I played a board game with J. I ain't know what it is called but it is of a star-shaped though.
Labels: 7.30.08, jean
Jelly! wobbled @ Sunday, August 10, 2008
6th August reflection...
Hey... ...
On the 6th of August, I taught J maths. I told her that1 liter is equivalent to 1000ml. Once again, she is careless when it comes to questions such as 15litres 50ml- 4 litres800ml. She gets very confused when she sees both litres and milli-litres appearing. I told her to convert all the litres to milli-litres .Thus the above example will be something like this:15050ml-4800ml.
From then, I asked her to do her subtraction as usual. After which , I asked her to convert her answer back to litres and milli-litres. Though , there were times when she could not get the right answer but eventually, she managed to get the correct answer and understood the concept behind it. I was so happy that my effeort has finally paid off. Phew!!
Oh yeah there's a good news to share wif you all,
J scored 18/20for her maths ,15/20 for her English and 19.5/20 for her Chinese.
She is very smart... =)
--End of the dae--
Labels: 8.06.08, jean
Jelly! wobbled @
6th Aug! :DD
Everyone there from 4-6pm! :DD
missed the previous trip on the 30th cause i was training for the Guides Pioneering test (I passed!! :DD)
At first when i got there, An was away at percussion! D:
so i taught LeHa instead.
I was devastated!! nah just kidding :DD
in the start of the year, before SL began, i taught LeHa. He was really hard to handle, he refuses to concentrate, keeps asking you to buy stuff for him, simply ignores you if he ain't interested.
but he needed help and i was available, so i took him on anyway. and ah.. he has become better since the start of the year. He listened a little attentively, was able to do some questions. Then his attention wandered, but using coloured markers was effective in grabbing his interest in doing the questions. only problem was, he kept arguing with me over the markers he should use, and why the lady in the question had to give away her cupcakes -.-
with the markers we managed to do about 6 questions in one hour.. pretty okay :DD
and then An came out!
He was super enthusiastic and even gave me a warning before plopping down his book beside me "jiejie, you surely will have sorethroat when you finish teaching me! i got alot and alot of questions to ask you! *flips pages*"
haha so cute! in the end we managed to finish about 4 pages, not bad too :DD
several points to note:
When An doesnt know how to read a person's name in the question, like "Timothy has balhbalhablabh", i'ld tell him to just call the person "T", 'cause i feel the name isnt important, and "T" is all you need to draw a model.
but the teacher there felt that learning how to pronounce english words were important (it can also help him in English). So i taught him Timothy - Tea-Mole-Thea
and i also told him something that MrGan told me:
whenever you dont know a value, just show it out, but leave the details blank first!
pretty effective when it comes to drawing models, cause An hesitates to draw a model when he doesn't know the value. (like the current me haha)
today we also asked the teachers to do the survey, because from what i was told, the teachers didnt allow themselves to do the survey last week, saying that we needed to clear it with their heads (Faith jiejie and Auntie Yewhwa) first.
Very valid point, so they asked Faith jiejie, who said that they can only grade when they were sitting beside us, so the survey was pushed back to today.
but when we gave the surveys out today, the teachers informed us that they had a meeting a few days ago, and that Auntie Yewhwa wanted to take a look at the surveys before we distributed them.. and i felt immensely guilty..
the whole survey could have been done better.. i didnt think of it then, but it was kinda rude of us not to clear with them the survey, particularly the principal, auntie yewhwa..
made us look bad.. sorry jellies >.<
i'll try and think before i do stuff next time @.@
Labels: 8.06.08, beryl
Jelly! wobbled @ Saturday, August 9, 2008
6 Aug (last visit before break for exams)
taught 4 ppl maths today -- no great feat though, also like spend 20mins teaching each
(1) QY was doing maths - addition/subtraction of money, quite tedious since have to add them up by doing workings after workings which made it more prone to errors as well
otherwise, not much problems
problems sums -- took time figuring out what's 5cents, =o.o5 but he wrote it as 0.50 at first, so need to take note as well
(2) taught another guy fractions -- simplification e.g 4/8 =1/2
think he was lazy to think so he simply wrote everything =1/1 which was obviously incorrect
so i taught him that only when numerator and denominator are the same, then the simplified one would be 1
also taught him a little of finding our the 'common factor' such as by trying whether both numerator and denominator and divide by 2,3,4, followed by 5 first before writing down the answer -- able to do without assistance after getting the concept
(3) taught an upper primary malay boy fractions corrections also -- i guess it's schoolwork but his teacher must be quite careless since she marked many of the questions wrong, and even after doing at least 5 pages, he got most of it wrong, showing that he had been doing them without even grasping the concept first
so i taught him the concept (1) find the common factor which applies only when both numerator and denominator are divisible by it (2) multiply with common factor to get the answer
unfortunately, he didnt seem to get it, so i taught him using visuals and he did get the common factor part correct, but the answer is still wrong
so i reminded him to multiply to the given but he finished the work correctly only with assistance by me
(4) finally, an upper primary boy doing corrections - no serious problems encoutered except that he misinterpreted the questions which affected the results. the corrections i guess were still mostly due to not focuseing when doing work
overall, nothing much for me today -- perhaps can make fraction notes for the kids
Labels: 8.06.08, farah
Jelly! wobbled @ Thursday, August 7, 2008